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How to create Google Map API For your website?

Setting up Your Google Maps API Key

Setp Wise here

STEP : 01

Click the link

STEP : 02


STEP : 03


STEP : 04


STEP : 05


STEP : 06

Add details as added in the screen image and user this API only.


Thank Your
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Changing the Google Maps Language

In order to change the in-map language as well as the directions output language, slight modification to two lines of code needs to take place.

Example of Google Maps in French:


Open the google map code  and search for the following line:

There are multiple instances of this line, all need to be changed to the following:

This will change the map to French.

Language Identifier
Afrikaans af
Albanian sq
Basque eu
Belarusian be
Bulgarian bg
Catalan ca
Chinese (Simplified) zh-cn
Chinese (Traditional) zh-tw
Croatian hr
Czech cs
Danish da
Dutch nl
Dutch (Belgium) nl-be
Dutch (Netherlands) nl-nl
English en
English (Australia) en-au
English (Belize) en-bz
English (Canada) en-ca
English (Ireland) en-ie
English (Jamaica) en-jm
English (New Zealand) en-nz
English (Phillipines) en-ph
English (South Africa) en-za
English (Trinidad) en-tt
English (United Kingdom) en-gb
English (United States) en-us
English (Zimbabwe) en-zw
Estonian et
Faeroese fo
Finnish fi
French fr
French (Belgium) fr-be
French (Canada) fr-ca
French (France) fr-fr
French (Luxembourg) fr-lu
French (Monaco) fr-mc
French (Switzerland) fr-ch
Galician gl
Gaelic gd
German de
German (Austria) de-at
German (Germany) de-de
German (Liechtenstein) de-li
German (Luxembourg) de-lu
German (Switzerland) de-ch
Greek el
Hawaiian haw
Hungarian hu
Icelandic is
Indonesian in
Irish ga
Italian it
Italian (Italy) it-it
Italian (Switzerland) it-ch
Japanese ja
Korean ko
Macedonian mk
Norwegian no
Polish pl
Portuguese pt
Portuguese (Brazil) pt-br
Portuguese (Portugal) pt-pt
Romanian ro
Romanian (Moldova) ro-mo
Romanian (Romania) ro-ro
Russian ru
Russian (Moldova) ru-mo
Russian (Russia) ru-ru
Serbian sr
Slovak sk
Slovenian sl
Spanish es
Spanish (Argentina) es-ar
Spanish (Bolivia) es-bo
Spanish (Chile) es-cl
Spanish (Colombia) es-co
Spanish (Costa Rica) es-cr
Spanish (Dominican Republic) es-do
Spanish (Ecuador) es-ec
Spanish (El Salvador) es-sv
Spanish (Guatemala) es-gt
Spanish (Honduras) es-hn
Spanish (Mexico) es-mx
Spanish (Nicaragua) es-ni
Spanish (Panama) es-pa
Spanish (Paraguay) es-py
Spanish (Peru) es-pe
Spanish (Puerto Rico) es-pr
Spanish (Spain) es-es
Spanish (Uruguay) es-uy
Spanish (Venezuela) es-ve
Swedish sv
Swedish (Finland) sv-fi
Swedish (Sweden) sv-se
Turkish tr
Ukranian uk