You can see that WooThemes has released new version of WooCommerce (the most famous and great wordpress ecommerce free plugin). The wooCommerce versios 2.1.1 is released on 2014-02-10. Meanwhile our team was working on a wooCommerce theme development since more than one month. As soon as we upgrade the wooCommerce plugin we found that wooCommerce has changed many functions and added new features. As per the previous version of wooCommerce, every thing was working ok but as soon as we upgrade the plugin the theme stop working.
We also found that if you have changed product listing page, products detail pages and wooCommerce setting pages like forgot password, my account, edit profile …. all are changed. So in case you are using the wooCommerce theme working in previous version of wooCommerce, make sure to have backup must that if the theme is highly customize, major function will stop working and may cause your site stop working.
It is very good thing to continue your site working with previous version of WooCommers instead of latest updated plugin.
Thanks to reading. Have a nice day.